March 10, 2007

Why Fred Thompson?

Miles Mogulescu at Huffpo unearths a laundry list of reasons to vote for Fred Thompson (of course, his conclusions differ slightly from my own).

--Voted Yes on use of military force against Iraq.
--Voted Yes on killing an increase to the minimum wage.
--Voted No on adopting Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
--Voted Yes on deploying "Star Wars" missile defense shield.
--Voted No on banning chemical weapons.
--Voted Yes on oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Preserve
--Voted Yes on terminating CAFÉ fuel efficiency standards.
--Voted Yes on defunding renewable and solar energy.
--Voted Yes on banning military base abortions.
--Voted Yes on banning so-called "partial birth" abortions.
--Voted No on adding sexual orientation to the definition of hate crimes.
--Voted No on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation.
--Voted No on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities and women.
--Voted Yes on constitutional Amendment banning flag burning.
--Voted Yes on limiting product liability punitive damage awards.
--Voted Yes on restricting class-action lawsuits.
--Voted Yes on school vouchers.
--Voted No on background checks at gun shows.
--Voted Yes on selling guns without trigger locks
--Voted No on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada
--Voted No on allowing patients to sue HMOs and collect punitive damages.
--Voted Yes on repealing Clinton's ergonomic rules on repetitive stress.
--Voted No on increasing tax deductions for college tuition.


Blogger Myra Langerhas said...

Hola la Barista!!!! Good tidings!

Your post makes perfect sense. I used to believe I couldn't support a candidate that voted for McCain-Feingold. It is such a horrible piece of legislation. But the country needs a strong decisive leader.

I was in the Giuliani camp before, but FDT is Right on so many more issues.

Mon Mar 12, 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, fascism is alive and well on this blog site. Maybe you can find a way to crush puppies to make a buck.

Thu Mar 15, 10:38:00 PM  

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