April 04, 2006

The Devolution of Egypt

The word from Freedom for Egyptians:

The Islamic jurist in Egypt, Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa issued an edict that forbids Egyptian Muslims from owning or displaying statues at their home because it is un-Islamic according to a “Hadith” (Prophet’s saying). Apparently that wasnt enough.

Freedom continues:

The controversial Qatar-based Islamic scholar, Yussef al-Qaradawi joined the Mufti.The Mufti who is appointed by the President represents the official line of the country and that tells you how secular we are evolving to be, a future Taliban state.

The Fatwa does not rule out:

The demolition of all pharaonic civilization heritages represented in the thousands of statues and Luxor and Aswan temples and others scattered all over the country. Those temples for those who did not visit them have huge statues for ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens.

Boycotting all sculpture artists and closing down arts colleges in the country for teaching students art. I will have to boycott all my friends and family members who took art as a profession.

Getting rid of any foreign heritage in the Egyptian houses. Many Egyptian families since more than two centuries still take pride in inheriting some pieces of art that came to Egypt from Europe. Those pieces are extremely precious and invaluable.

Treating us as insane retarded citizens with no brains who will take the first opportunity worship statues for anything in which we can undo everything Prophet Muhammed did when he forbid the people of Mecca from worshipping statues. Egyptians do not have the desert culture, we have the civilization of the Nile valley that inspired Egyptians with all forms of beauty along the centuries of history despite all difficulties.


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