January 31, 2006

The Triumph of Alito

The Left has spent months gloating about public opinion polls showing a weakened President. Emboldened by a variety of Republican missteps, the MSM barrage of bad news on Iraq and the botched Miers nomination, it appeared the Left would lead a war that hadn't been seen on the hill since the Bork fiasco. Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. {Remove tablets. Drop into container of water} And listen for fizzle.

The Left's base is now firmly entrenched in the blogosphere. The hyper typers at Kos and the like are what shape the movements talking points. Fortunate for Republicans, these sycophants are not about ideas and concepts but are about personalities and nihilism. Alito's name came up at a time when moonbats had Libby, Delay, Rove and lastly Abramoff, in their crosshairs. The feeding frenzy these events inspired allowed Alito to coast to the hearings. His performance in front of the Judiciary Committee along with the embarrassing drivel from Kennedy and Biden only served to solidify his approval.

So, next time you see a Lefty, shake his hand. Remind him that in 10 years nobody will remember the names Libby, Delay, Rove and Abramoff. Nobody will know what Fitzmas was. A chimp will once again be a zoo animal. In 10 years, Alito will still be warming up in shaping the Law of this Land. And in a 100 years, law students will be reading Alito's opinions in their case books.


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